Why Sponsor?
As a sponsor, you will play a pivotal role in shaping the future of technology in Sierra Leone and the wider Mano River Union. Your involvement will not only position your brand as a leader in supporting innovative and sustainable technology growth but also demonstrate your commitment to fostering a tech-empowered generation. Sponsorship will provide your organization with exceptional visibility, access to government and industry leaders, and the opportunity to impact a significant sector-driven initiative.
Additional Benefits
Customisable sponsorship elements to align with your specific interests.
Option to be the sole sponsor in your industry.
Extended Engagement
Option to be the sole sponsor in your industry.
($20,000 - $50,000)
Premium Branding:
Prominent logo placement on all event materials.
Invitation to an exclusive evening reception with Sierra Leone government
Exclusive Content:
Opportunity to sponsor a specific session, with recognition during the session.
Opportunity to own
a pre-designed exhibition booth in a premium spot for the duration of the summit: branding, coffee table, chairs, branded counter, brochure holder, lighting & power supply
Company brochure
to be shared with the delegates package
1 minute Promotional video on Primary screens
to own a pre-designed exhibition booth of 6m x 2m in a premium spot for the duration of the summit
Enhanced Visibility:
Your logo included in the event website.
Invitation to sponsor an exclusive breakfast or lunch session
Exclusive Content:
Opportunity to own a display booth for the duration of the summit.
to own a display booth of 4m x 2m for the duration of the summit
30 seconds Promotional video on Primary Screens
Promotional video
on secondary screens
Your name displayed on the event stage and all promotional flyers.
Your organisation listed on the event website.